2024 Cider Squeeze

Third Saturday of September 10:00-4:00: Bring your apples, press ours, or buy cider. Vendors, food, craftsmen and musicians all day. Fun for the whole family. We will have both the old and new parking lots available for this event.
Admission: $5.00 for individuals. $20.00 for families. Admission is free for our members, including volunteers who have worked at least 10 hours for us this year, and for Clackamas County Heritage Pass holders.
Cider pressing: If you’re bringing apples, please bring them to the parking lot on Eagle Creek Road.
– Press cider from your own apples: $3.00/gallon
– Press cider from our apples: $10.00/gallon
– Use our jugs: $1.00 each (jugs hold 1 gallon of cider)
– Pre-pressed, pasteurized cider: $11.00/gallon
What else is happening?
Live music, folk dancing, kids games, tours of the houses, store open for historic books, toys, games and souvenirs, 1870’s barn with corn-grinding and cross-cut saw, Build a log cabin, use the laundry scrub board and wringer, check out the schoolhouse, and visit our vendors. Blacksmithing and kids crafts. Vendors include Weiner Wagon, with a variety of sausages and hot dogs available, and Grammy’s donuts.