Introducing New Staff

Spring 2014 has seen a spate of new hires, although the faces aren’t new to the Farm!

Kate Damon is doing outreach and administrative work for the Farm. She volunteered here at events in her youth before acquiring a degree in history and museum studies, and completing internships with the Portland Art Museum and Fort Vancouver. We’re very excited to have her back!

Caleb Wiles is also a former volunteer, now serving as tour leader and maintainer of lawns. You can often find him singing around the farm on the lawn mower, when the guests are gone.

Cassie Whitlock has graduated from volunteer to tour leader and closet mistress, keeping everyone appropriately dressed in period clothing, and her mother, Tammy Whitlock, has stepped up to serve in the gardens, supervising volunteer help, planning vegetable and flower beds, and overseeing the educational aspects of our botanicals.

Hannah Shaver is less visible, but her janitorial services are no less important to the Farm. She and her family have also served as tour volunteers, and we’re grateful for their continued care of these busy buildings.